Saturday, November 21, 2015

Honest To God ~ Day 82

As you can see, if you've followed this blog at all; I have failed. Miserably.

BUT God...

He is SO good.

As ashamed as I am to say it, I divorced my husband in 2006. I did so without consulting the only person I should have. God. Had I continued to grow in my relationship with Him, my life wouldn't be where it is, right now.

I was wrong to divorce my husband
I was wrong to make him my god
I was selfish. Selfish is unloving

How pathetic am I, to have been given MANY fair warnings by include the reason behind this blog.

I am learning to speak life. Into everything. The liar has had too much time in my sandbox. It became his litter box, really. No more.

I love you, Charlie. You are the second best thing to happen to me in this life. The first is knowing God. Him, and then you. Then, our babies. After that, it's all just fluff.

I am aware, there are those who may be following this, who will roll their eyes. I understand. I have absolutely no credibility, given my choices over the last few years. I also don't care. I am accountable to no one. But God... He gave me a wonderful blessing in my husband. He has given me a wonderful blessing in my husband.

I'm not sure yet, where these words will go but, I hope it helps someone else.

If you never commit an other passage to your heart, commit 1 Corinthians 13:4-13. It will serve you well.